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Josep Vicent conducts The World Orchestra at the Lowlands Festival 2013 Amsterdam Holland
moreThe World Orchestra performing with the J G Zuma Choir on their recent tour of South Africa
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more“There are no auditions, there are only performances.” —Janet Bookspan Lo que separa a los músicos…
“There are no auditions, there are only performances.” —Janet Bookspan What separates professionals…
With musicians from 60 countries, conducted by Josep Vicent celebrates UNITED IN MUSIC, their 15th international tour". Would you like to join us? Apply and become a member". Formada por músicos de 60 países diferentes y bajo la dirección del Maestro Josep Vicent llevará a cabo durante este 2013 su proyecto UNITED IN MUSIC con en Sudáfrica, Holanda, Los Balcanes y España" Inscríbete y conviértete en miembro de la orquesta"
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Dear Musician,
Following this link you can find the woodwinds audition result, during next days we will publish...
11 years ago
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